Resource Library
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eBooks and Papers
eBook - AIIM
Mastering your Microsoft 365 and SharePoint investment
Based on a global survey of both AIIM and non-AIIM members, this report shares recommendations designed to help organizations better understand how to master their M365 and SharePoint investment – and move from rapid adoption to sensible maturity.
Paper - ARMA Canada Magazine
Migrating a billion- dollar government agency to a new records system
This article takes an in-depth look at a successful ECM project with a provincial government agency and details how that project was rolled out over a period of 18 months. Published in Sagesse, ARMA Canada’s magazine for records and information management professionals.
Free Toolkits and Apps
Collabware CLM Reporting Pack
We’ve developed reports based on dozens of SharePoint and Collabware CLM projects and are excited to offer these reports to our clients. They will help you understand records management, compliance and the adoption of Collabware CLM in your organization.